Sunday, September 7, 2014

Leaf Structure

Image taken from:

  • thin waxy layer of lipids
  • prevents water loss through evaporation
  • allows light to pass through
  • transparent layer of cells
  • allows light to pass through
  • protects the cells underneath from damages
Palisade Mesophyll Cells
  • contains a large number of chloroplasts
  • tightly packed together vertically to allow as many cells as possible to absorb light
Spongy Mesophyll Cells
  • contains few chloroplasts
  • loosely packed with intercellular air spaces for fast diffusion of carbon dioxide
  • surrounded by two guard cells
  • allows exchange of gases 
Vascular Bundle (Vein of leaf)
  • made up of xylem and phloem vessels
  • xylem transports water and mineral salts
  • phloem transports nutrients

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